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Ruby & Rails Ruby

Ruby Language

Ruby specific OOP concepts Materials

Ruby Blocks, Lambda, Proc, Closures Materials

Ruby Core Materials

Ruby Arrays: Operators and Functions Materials

Ruby Enumerable/Enumerator Materials

Ruby Syntax: Functions, Control Structures Materials

Ruby Pattern Matching Materials

Ruby String Functions, URL, JSON Materials

Ruby Date / Time Functions Materials

Ruby RegExp Materials

Ruby Exceptions and Errors Materials

Ruby Metaprogamming Materials

Ruby Modules Materials

Scopes Materials

Ruby File Functions, Streams Materials

Logging Materials

Rack, Rack Middlewares Materials

Ruby Version Management Materials

Rake Tasks Materials

Package managment Materials

Ruby Testing Tools and Frameworks Materials

Debug of Ruby Materials

Ruby Remote Materials

Deployment of Ruby Projects Materials

Ruby Web Servers Materials

Multi-Threading Materials

Multi-Tasking Libraries Materials

Profiling Materials

Strong Types and Specs Materials

Ruby Garbage Collection Materials

Ruby Native Extensions (Foreign Languages) Materials

Ruby VM Internals Materials